Do I need to mark my sprinklers?
Yes, you need to mark your sprinklers more than 12” from the edge of the grass prior to us arriving. You should also mark any other obstacles (drains, valve boxes, etc) that are more than 12” away from the edge of the grass.
Do I need to water before aerating?
It is best if you water the grass well the day before. If the soil is dry and hard, the aerator will not be able to get down and deep and pull good plugs.
When is the best time to aerate?
There really is no bad time to aerate. Most people aerate in the spring as the grass is starting to grow. Another great time to aerate is in the fall, after a summer season of heavy use. Aeration can be beneficial at any time of the year, especially if you notice increased thatch, hard compacted soil or increased puddling after watering.
What do I do about the plugs left over after aeration?
You can leave the plugs on the ground and they will disintegrate back into the soil with normal watering and mowing. Many times, the type of soil will determine how large the plugs are. If the soil has a high clay content, then you will most likely see many large intact plugs. If the soil is sandy then many times the plugs break apart very quickly and you will only notice small pieces.
Can I fertilize after aeration?
Yes! After aeration is the best time to fertilize. The holes made by aeration allow the fertilizer to more easily reach the roots. We also offer fertilization services. Let us know if you would like a quote for fertilization.
Power Raking
Do I need to mark my sprinklers?
Yes, you need to mark your sprinklers more than 12” from the edge of the grass prior to us arriving. You should also mark any other obstacles (drains, valve boxes, etc) that are more than 12” away from the edge of the grass.
Do I need to water before power raking?
Watering the lawn the day before is fine, especially if aerating will be done at the same time. However, it is preferred that the grass be dry to the touch at the time of power raking/ dethatching.
When is the best time to power rake/ dethatch?
The best time to power rake or dethatch your lawn is in the spring or fall. It can be done in the summer; however, it will take longer for your lawn to recover during the summer. Power raking or dethatching stresses the lawn and it may look like it is struggling for a few days after. With normal watering and some time, the lawn will recover and thrive due to the increased water an oxygen that are getting to the roots.
Why does my grass look like it is struggling after being power raked/ dethatched?
Power raking/ dethatching is hard on a lawn. I prefer to use a broom style machine that isn’t has stressful on the lawn as most flail blade machines are. Many flail blade machines pull up just as much green healthy grass as it does thatch. With normal watering and care your lawn will bounce back and thrive due to the increased water an oxygen that are getting to the roots.
Thatch from standard power rake. Mostly healthy grass.

Thatch from my broom style power rake. All dead grass.

How do I need to prepare the ground for tilling?
Weather it is for a garden or for a yard area in preparation for seeding or sod the best thing you can do to prepare the area is water it well before it is tilled. Moist soil is best when tilling. If the soil is sandy then a lot of watering may be needed but if the soil is very clayey then not as much water is needed. The amount of watering needed for the ideal soil condition varies with the soil type and even the weather. If it is hot outside the ground will dry out much quicker.
Do I need to cut down weeds or vegetation?
Yes, any weeds, grass or other vegetation needs to be mowed or trimmed down, so it is not more than 3” to 4” tall. The tiller does a pretty good job of chopping it up, but excessive vegetation does not disappear after tilling.
Can I put much, leaves or grass down to be tilled in?
Yes, however, I recommend that not more than 2” of any additives be tilled in at one time.
Do I need to call bluestakes before tilling?
You are welcome to call bluestakes before we come to till. Typically, the items that bluestakes will mark are electrical lines, water lines, gas lines and main communication lines. These lines are typically buried at least 18” deep and most of the time they are deeper. The maximum depth we will till is 6” to 8”. The shallow lines that may be damaged by tilling are usually sprinkler lines and occasionally a cable line from the pedestal box to you house. These lines will not be marked by bluestakes. If you know your sprinklers are shallow you will need to mark out where they are so we can avoid hitting them. We are very good at avoiding lines that are marked out and we know about.
How long can I wait to seed or lay sod after tilling?
I typically recommend planting, seeding or laying sod within 2 weeks of tilling. This can vary depending on how much activity is happening in the area, the soil type and the amount of rain is received.
How do I need to prepare my yard for hydroseeding?
Preparation is key to having a good-looking lawn. I like to compare it to painting a room. The actual painting is quite fast and easy. The more time-consuming part is all the prep work that needs to be done, patching holes, taping, moving furniture around, etc. Please refer to the
“How to prepare for Hydroseeding” instructions.
What do I need to do after my lawn is seeded?
The most important item is watering. The hydroseeded area must be kept moist for the seed to germinate. Please refer to the
Post Hydroseeding care instructions.
How much do I need to water after hydroseeded?
The golden rule for hydroseeding is keep the seed moist. It is possible to overwater after hydroseeding. If you start to see puddles forming during watering that is too much watering. I recommend setting the sprinklers to water more often for shorter time periods. Please refer to the
Post Hydroseeding care instructions
Can I use fertilizer after hydroseeding?
A half dose of starter fertilizer can be applied after 30 days. Be sure than there is no weed killer in the fertilizer for the first 3 months. After 3 months we recommend a 4 to 6 step fertilizing program. We personally use the IFA 4-step fertilizing program. Please refer to the
Post Hydroseeding care instructions.
When will I be able to mow?
You can typically mow after 5-6 weeks. Most of the grass should be at least 3” tall before mowing. Please refer to the
Post Hydroseeding care instructions.
What can I do if I see weeds?
aWeed killer should not be used within the first few months. The weeds that can grow typically come from your soil. Weed seeds can be dormant for years until conditions are right for them to grown. When you have prepared the area for hydroseed and the continued water is the perfect environment for weed seeds unfortunately. This is the reason the preparation before hydroseeding is so important. Please refer to the
“How to prepare for Hydroseeding” instructions.I typically recommend allow the weeds to remain for the first couple months then use a broadleaf weed killer to get rid of any weeds. Weed control should be part of the regular maintenance for your lawn.