Tilling helps break up compacted soil and can add oxygen and organic matter to the soil. This will greatly improve the quality and health of your garden.
To ensure the ground is ready for tilling, please review the following steps before we arrive at your location.
Spread mulch, fertilizer or other additives before I arrive to be tilled into the soil. Grass clippings or leaves can be added to the soil as well. I recommend that no more than 2”-3” of material be added at a time.
Mark any sprinklers or other obstacles.
Call bluestakes prior to tilling new ground. Some utilities such as cable lines can be very shallow.
New ground can be very hard. It is best to till when the ground is moist. I typically recommend watering the area for about an hour a day before tilling. (All soils vary, and this may make it too muddy. Attention should be given to the moisture level of the soil to be sure it is moist, not muddy for tilling). Sometimes it may take a couple years of working the ground to get to a depth of 6”.