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Soil Conditioning

Avoid high costs by adding Organics

WHAT IS Soil conditioning AND ITS BENEFITS?

Instead of bringing in loads and loads of new soil all you really need is to add the organics to your existing soil. Good topsoil has around 5% organics. When importing topsoil, 95% of the of that topsoil is not needed. At a fraction of the cost you can add the organics and fungi to your existing soil that your lawns needs to grow. The product we use to add these organics is called Biotic Earth.

What is Biotic Earth?

The components in the Biotic Earth line are Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, plant based organic soil enhancers and growth stimulants. Alfalfa meal is added to Biotic Earth Black and BFM to helps recondition poor soil, degrade hydrocarbons, reduce sodium.​

A beneficial fungus called Mycorrhizea and micronutrients further help to improve the soils health. The base components of soil are air, water, organics and minerals such as clays, sands or loams silt.
The micro and macro pores are very important for air and water to be able to travel freely through the soil structure. During construction activities we lose the organic material and the micro and macro pores in the soil. This is where Biotic Earth Growth Mediums come into play by replacing lost organics and over time the HGM will provide the necessary organic and biological binders for improved soil aggregate formation and therefore provide for better chance of improve pore space in the soil. Helping to create pores space. The “A horizon” or “topsoillense” of the soil is where the majority of microbial activity and germination occurs. By simply spraying a thin layer of hydraulic growth medium vegetation can establish in this lense layer and root into the subsoil for additional moisture.

The world didn’t start off one day with topsoil. It took centuries of decaying plant matter to develop. Verdyol Biotic Earth Hydraulic Growth Mediums kick start the process and add the first layer of organic material and growth stimulants. We do not claim to create a topsoil or be a replacement for using existing topsoil. We simply expedite the vegetative process by improving the soil for long term use by adding the missing organics while preventing erosion at the same time.

How Biotic Earth Works


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